15 feb. 2010

happy valentine!

Jag och min kille spenderar alla hjärtans dag med att snacka skit om äktenskapet och förhållanden i allmänhet. Bästa delen av konversationen var när HAN säger "im gonna convince you that marriage is just a ceremony to declare ownership of someone and why would you wanna do that", jag ba eh, no need to tell me.


A guy comes into a bar and sits down to have a beer. He turns to his side and he sees this other guy, he looks completely normal except that his head is the size of a cue ball. So he walks over and he asks the guy why his head is so small. And the guy tells him that he was stranded on an island, and a mermaid showed up and said he could have 3 wishes. So he wished to be rich and poof he was, he then wished to be rescued and a second later a ship showed up at the horizon. The mermaid then asked what his last wish were and he asked if maybe they could have sex since hed been stranded there for so long. The mermaid said they couldnt because she didnt have the right equipment. The guy then said "How bout a little head?".


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